Loving and Living the Quran (Muharram Lectures)

Ihsan towards parents and the challenges of multigenerational relationships.

The story of an ideal family:

  • The contract of a parent is time-limited till the child reaches the age of 21.
  • Age 0-7: build a relationship of trust with the child. 
  • Age 7-14: train the child in life skills. 
  • Age 14-21: act as a consultant.
  • Age 21 onwards: a parent’s duty is now discharged to God.

Continuing responsibilities after the age of 21:

  • Children are still entitled to respect and care.
  • Children still need advice but they should be treated as adults.

Status that Allah has given parents seen in the light of the Holy Quran:

  • Children are first supposed to spend on parents.
  • Children must not do shirk and must do Ihsan.
  • Parents are the second closest relationship for children after God.
  • Children must pray for their parents and serve them.
  • The responsibilities of children towards parents grow much more as the latter get older.
  • Children must not show any sign of disdain or frustration towards their parents.
  • Children must show compassion and humility towards their parents.
  • According to Hadith, a mother who dies whilst serving her family is given the same status as a martyr on the Day of Judgement. 
  • A mother has jannah under her feet- she is their first Rabb.

How should parents deal with children who have made mistakes:

  • Pardon them and ask pardon for them.
  • Consult and advise them gently.
  • Build relationships with your children.

Responsibilities of children towards their parents:

  • Children’s duties towards parents increase as the latter age.
  • As children become stronger parents are heading towards a decline.
  • A healthy multi-generational relationship is good for all generations.
  • Show pleasure at taking care of parents.

Four keys to having strong inter-generational relationships:

  1. Respect the other person even if they have an outlook different from yours.
  2. Reciprocity: treat one another in a kind manner.
  3. Resilience.
  4. Real communication.











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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 3:31pm EDT

Three keys to living a life of Ihsan (cont.)

Key 3: Pardon and forgive- Understanding God’s forgiveness

  • Ghaffar- He who forgives the quantity of sins.
  • Ghafoor- He who forgives the quality of sins.
  • Al-'Afuw- He who removes the ill effects of sins.

These are the same qualities that one must apply in their relationships with others.

Types of forgiveness:

  • Situational forgiveness- when one moves on from a situation that causes them turmoil.
  • Dispositional forgiveness- pardon, forgive and overlook others for their shortcomings.

Motivation for change- inspiration from the Quran and Hadith:

  • Continuously remind oneself that forgiving others gives access to His mercy.
  • To attain God’s forgiveness one must forgive his fellow human beings.
  • Assume that everyone has at least as good intentions as oneself. 
  • Psychologists and ulema both explain that forgiveness is an inner freedom.
  • God transforms bad deeds into good deeds- forgive and promote if someone admits a mistake.
  • A momin is obsessed with his own shortcomings, not with those of others. 

Difference between anger and resentment:

  • Anger: is a quick emotion. It is a fire that goes out quite quickly.
  • Resentment: a persistent feeling of upset towards a situation. It’s similar to hot burning coals that continue to smoulder long after.

What we hold on to costs us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Barriers to forgiveness:

  • Not recognizing the cost to one’s well-being.
  • Fear of condoning hurtful behaviour.
  • Belief that “they should pay for it.”
  • Lack of skills in coping with anger.

What is forgiveness?

  • Forgiveness does not mean condoning another’s behaviour.
  • It’s a change in feelings and attitudes regarding what happened.
  • Letting go of negative emotions such as taking revenge.
  • There is no desire to make the other person suffer anymore.
  • There is an increased ability to wish the other person well. 
  • Results in spiritual expansion and closer proximity to God.




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Three keys to living a life of Ihsan (cont.)

 Key 2: Restrain anger- what is anger?

  • The Holy Quran talks about ‘ghayz’- inner rage and ‘ghadab’- anger manifested in words or actions. 
  • If ‘ghayz’ is not managed, it will show up as ‘ghadab’.
  • Allah has created us perfectly and anger is not a design flaw within us.
  • Anger is a psychological state that results from inner agitation and desire for revenge. 
  • Anger has a great potential to be misused. 
  • It’s a signal amplifier signifying what is important to a person. 
  • Anger hides more vulnerable emotions.
  • Unprocessed emotions will eventually cause disease in our bodies.
  • Both extremes of either unleashing or deny anger are unhealthy for a person’s physical and mental well-being. 
  • When it becomes a habit to blame others for one’s anger, then that insanity becomes fixed. Anger is a very energizing emotion as it is meant to deal with a threat.
  • Anger gives one a feeling of power and righteousness which then feeds the ego and ends up depriving one’s soul and spirit.

How to control anger:

  • When such anger is experienced one must always remember the wrath of God. 
  • The faculty of anger which has been given to us has to be used in a balanced way.
  • True power lies not in unleashing but in controlling anger.
  • Instead of just feeling angry, turn that anger into productive action which leads to social movements being born.
  • The proper use of the emotion of anger helps with the establishment and maintenance of a just social order and civic life.



“Forty Hadith” by  Ruhollah Khomeini

“Al-Ghazzali On Disciplining the Self” by  Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:13pm EDT

Practice of pausing (cont.)

  • Recognize the trigger.
  • Press pause for at least 6 seconds.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Consider your reaction in a situation from a place of Ihsan.
  • Remember the tools Allah has provided you- self-awareness, power of choice, guidance and ability to consult with others.
  • Develop a mantra or an affirmation.
  • Press play again to continue in a better way.

Practices to develop self-control over time:

  • Practice doing one thing at one time.
  • Reduce inputs- news, social media, lectures.
  • Spending time in silence as it allows our spirit to grow.

Three keys to living a life of Ihsan:

  1. Spend when you have plenty and spend in challenging times.
  2. Restrain your anger.
  3. Pardon and forgive.

Key 1: Spending in good and bad times:

  • Do good to others as Allah has done good to you.
  • It keeps the flow of blessings going.
  • Remind yourself that Allah has provided you with these blessings.
  • If you bring good, Allah will provide multifold blessings.
  • Charity begins at home. 

Research on the connection between money and happiness:

  • Having more does not make you more generous.
  • Paradox of generosity- when you give more you are happier.
  • Give because of good intentions.
  • Making a practice of giving makes you more open-hearted.

Effects of materialism:

  • It is highly correlated with being dissatisfied with one’s life.
  • Results in low self- esteem and less integration in the community. 
  • Find less meaning in life.
  • Less concerned about the welfare of others.
  • Less satisfied with family lives.
  • Less fun and enjoyment in what they experience.
  • More likely to be depressed and envious.


Ghurar al-Hikam: comprehensive collection of short quotations and aphorisms by Ali ibn Abi Talib. 


SURAH AL-QASAS [28:76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84]

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 6:27am EDT

Dealing with challenging relationships whilst practicing Ihsan.

Reference to Surah Ar-Rad, Verse 21-24- talking about the Ulul Albab- Men of Understanding.


  • Characteristics of Ulul Albab in dealing with challenging people:


  1. Understand where the challenging person is coming from.
  2. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
  3. Practice patience- self-control, will power, and acceptance.
  4. They do Ihsan for Allah’s pleasure. 
  5. They establish prayer as it serves as a reminder of their destination.
  6. They are detached from material possessions.
  7. If triggered, they say, “I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.”
  8. They spend secretly and they spend openly.
  9. They repel evil conduct with good.
  10. They show extra kindness to those who trigger them.

Hadith of Holy Prophet (SAW) talks about the best traits of character in dunya and akhirah:

  • Forgive people who have been unjust to you and oppressed you.
  • Do good to people who have done bad to you.
  • Give to people who have deprived you.

Essence of Dua Makarimul Akhlaq:

  • Allow me to repel evil with goodness
  • Transform my evil into good

The power of pausing and how to practice it:

  • We have the rational mind to separate our response from the trigger.
  • Learn to stop long enough to get in touch with your values.
  • Consider how to respond to a triggering situation.
  • Consider the consequences of your actions. 
  • External events cannot be controlled but our response to them is in our control.

Ways to strengthen our internal pause button:

  • Recognize the trigger. 
  • Mentally pause your reaction.
  • Take a deep breath. 
  • Make the intention to react in a positive manner.
  • Ask someone for help.







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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 3:40am EDT

Prioritizing acts of Ihsan (cont.)

  • Prevent burnout by knowing the purpose, destination, and intention of the good deed.
  • Get clear on expectations from oneself and others.
  • Focus on contributing in areas of one’s expertise.
  • Learn to set boundaries and say NO when required.
  • Manage time and energy.
  • Form meaningful connections. 
  • Practice self-care and renewal.

Reasons to learn to say NO

  • To avoid other peoples’ priorities taking precedence over ours.
  • Have time for family and close friends.
  • To rest and recuperate
  • To avoid frustration and stress.
  • To make ourselves available for deeds that are in alignment with our purpose and ability to contribute.






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Receiving Ihsan- rights of those who do good to us:

  • Receive the Ihsan with grace and kindness.
  • Pray for those who have done Ihsan on you.
  • Thank them for their kindness.
  • Spread good mention about them in public.
  • If possible, do something in return for them.
  • Ask for forgiveness for them.
  • Pay it forward.
  • Give them something they need.
  • Allow others to partake of the good deed.

Who deserves acts of Ihsan from us?

  • Anyone who is in need.
  • Unilateral virtue- Do good to the people who are deserving and to those who don’t deserve it. We are ambassadors of the faith and must follow in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the AhlulBayt (AS).
  • Our family has special rights over us when it comes to doing Ihsan towards them.

However, enabling someone towards unhelpful behaviour is not Ihsan. 

Prioritizing acts of Ihsan

  • Focus on quality and intention rather than on quantity.
  • Recognize our limitations and set boundaries.
  • Focusing on quantity when doing acts of Ihsan can lead to burnout.






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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:57pm EDT

DEFINITION OF ISLAM: Rahma- dealing with people with more than just justice. 


When you do ihsan, you do it for yourself. We have the freedom of choice to choose our actions but we do not choose the consequences of our actions. 

Physical benefits of doing good to others: 

  • Causes longevity
  • Reduction of early death
  • Reduced incidence of brain decline

Mental and emotional benefits of doing good to others:

  • Helper’s high: Engaging in good deeds results in the brain releasing feel-good chemicals that are associated with happiness.
  • Brain chemicals are also released: oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins
  • Tend and mend response- we want to approach people and build relationships. 
  • Helps keep our problems in perspective. Having a larger purpose helps direct your attention and keep it in perspective.
  • Starts a virtuous cycle that cements relationships and strengthens families, communities. 
  • A kindness bank is created in our brains. Every time we think about those good actions we feel good. 
  • You win hearts when you do good deeds.
  • Must do it consistently in order to gain its benefits.

However, you must do the deed with the correct intention or it will not benefit you. Do it out of the goodness of your heart rather than to gain something in return. 

Certain etiquettes whilst doing ihsan: 

  • Underestimate and undervalue the good act. 
  • Do not make a person feel obligated towards you for helping them out.
  • Conceal the good deed from the rest of society.
  • Only reveal the good deed if it will encourage others to partake of the deed too.
  • Hastening the completion of the good deed. Don’t make people wait for your help once you have offered it. 
  • Forget about the deed once it is completed.

Narration of Imam Ali (AS): To be in this world is not good except for two types of people:

  1. Someone who is doing more good deeds and ihsan
  2. Someone who has done bad deeds and is trying to compensate by doing tawba. 


  • Surah Al-Isra- The Night Journey- [17:7]
  • Tuhaf al Uqul no. 403

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 4:21pm EDT

TOPIC OF THE YEAR: The pursuit and practice of Ihsan

The primary purpose of these gatherings is to give our condolences to the household of the beloved Holy Prophet of Islam.  


  • It revives not only our deen but us too.
  • It helps us realign what really matters.
  • Commemorating the tragedy has kept our religion alive. 
  • It is only the Grace of God and this huge sacrifice by the most beloved of his creatures that has kept this deen alive till today. 
  • It allows us to get in touch with ourselves and remind ourselves of where we need help and transformation in our life. 

An important part of these days is to pass on the message of Kerbala to others.

Hadith by Imam Reza (AS): “By learning our knowledge and teaching it to people. If people knew the merits of our knowledge they would follow us.” 

Imam Hussain’s (AS) message: Living with the concept of ihsan- kindness, excellence, and virtue. 

COVID- Challenges and opportunities:

  • Safety and protection
  • Intention and action
  • Motivation to attend

The Holy Family as inspiration

Fatima Zahra (SA)

  • “Best of people on the earth in origin, dignity and honour.”
  • Pillar of Islam
  • An axis of intercession
  • Her children- Hasan, Hussain, Mohsin come from the same root word- h-s-n.
  • Hasan: one who is virtuous and does good. 
  • Hussain: derivative of Hasan. 

Basic foundations of morality and righteousness

  • Adl: Give people their due which has been asked of them. Imam Ali (AS) said that, “Adl is the foundation on which the world rests.”
  • Ihsan is going above and beyond justice and acting with nobility and kindness. Imam Ali (AS) says, “When you are focused on doing more than is required, that’s how people fall in love with you.” 

‘Hasana’ is a key root word of the Quran. 

  • It appears 194 times in the Quran.
  • It means inner beauty, living a life of virtue. 
  • Allah is the ultimate ‘mohsin’- one who does ihsan. 
  • When we do things that are hurtful to ourselves or others, He deals with us only that we deserve. But when we do good, he multiplies it. 




  • Fara'edoh-Samtayn vol.2 p.68
  • Beharul-Anwar, vol.43 pp.4-18
  • Beharul-Anwar, vol.8 p.51
  • Surah Al-Nahl [16:90]
  • Surah Qassas [28:77]
  • Surah An-Najm [53:31]


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 1:39am EDT

1. The relationship between gratitude to God and appreciation towards people
2. How does gratitude help our relationships
3. What stops us from being grateful?
4. What happens if we do not receive gratitude in return?


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Lecture 11 The Pillar of Rahma

1. Understanding the meaning of Rahma
2. The importance of rahma in our families
3. Rahma towards ourselves
4. Holding ourselves and each other accountable with Rahma

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 1:36pm EDT

In this session we discussed

1. The certainty of challenges in life
2. Possible responses to challenges
3. How the Prophets of God responded to the challenges in their lives
4. Unhealthy ways to deal with challenges
5. Building resilience: what it means and how we can grow it

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In this session we explore the meaning of muwadda (love) both from a historical and scientific point of view. We discuss the bonding process of love and attachment, how feeling and expressing love is good for us and how we can grow love in our homes.

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

The Quran tells us to save ourselves and our families from the fire. Here we talk about what Quran tells us about how people end up in the fire and what are the practical steps we can take to protect ourselves and our families.


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

In this session we talk discuss the modern plague of isolation and loneliness and how we can be lonely even when surrounded by others.

We then talk about the importance of rituals and traditions in keeping us connected to each other.

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

In this session we discuss the emotional climate of the home and its importance.

  1. The emotional climate of the home
  2. Emotional contagion what it is and how it impacts the family atmosphere
  3. How does the emotional climate become toxic during conflict and how to deal with conflict without poisoning the atmosphere.

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In this session we explore the concept of trust in relationships and what happens in the absence of trust.

  1. What is trust?
  2. Why is it important in family relationships?
  3. How do we
  • Become trustworthy?
  • Learn to extend trust to others?

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

In this session we continue talking about the philosophy of marriage in Islam, specifically about how shared faith is important in marriage and what to do if you do not share the same faith.

We then discuss why it is important to have peace between the couple in order to build a peaceful home and the three kinds of safety that are vital to build peaceful family relationships.


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 12:52pm EDT

In this session we explore a brief history of marriage in the West and compare it to the philosophy of marriage in Islam.

We also talk about the strongest link in the family and why it is crucial to work on your marriage relationship if you intend to build a safe haven for your children.

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  • Why is it important to be vary of trends and choose timeless principles instead
  • What does a God-centered home look like – reflections from the Sermon of Hammam from Nahjul Balagha.

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EDT

We continue our discussion on Building a Peaceful Home.

In this session, we discuss:


  • The importance of choosing a solid foundation
  • What happens when the foundation is shaky?
  • Two shaky foundations that are causing us to lose tranquility
  • What is the solution? Building our homes on a solid foundation


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EDT

The Quran says: And God has ordained for you a place of rest and quiet in your dwellings. We explore the need and purpose of a peaceful home in these sessions. This session introduces the topic and discusses why it is more important than ever to build a home that is a safe haven for our families.


This session discusses the following points:

  • The importance and meaning of home for human beings
  • The functions of a home and family in Islam
  • The meaning and search for Sukoon (peace, tranquility) as a central feature of our lives
  • The Quran tells us that Sukoon can be found in these four places


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EDT

In the last lecture on the series on building emotional intelligence, we discuss:

•Why it is important to take action on what we know. What happens if we don’t take action?
•The barriers to taking action. Why is it so easy to procrastinate – understanding motivation and working towards commitment
•How can we begin turning our knowledge into action?


1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 1:31am EDT

•Understanding empathy and compassion – what is the difference and why compassion is preferred to empathy. The kinds of compassion
•The Quran on compassion
•The benefits of practicing compassion for ourselves and for others
•How do we cultivate compassion?


1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:25pm EDT

•Understanding the emotion of anger – what is anger andthe necessity of anger – why has it been placed within HBs
•Why do we need to manage this emotion - Look at what are the impacts of misusing this faculty – benefits of controlling anger
•How do we manage anger? How can we learn to better manage this faculty so that it takes us towards Allah swtrather than away from Him.

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:19pm EDT

•Tawwakulas a positive emotion which is encouraged
•What is tawwakul
•Why is it important? What are the benefits of having tawakkul?
•How do we nurture tawakkul?

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:41pm EDT

•What is emotional self regulation and self control – what is the difference?
•Why do we need it?
•How do we develop it?

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:34pm EDT

In the fifth lecture, we cover the following: 

•The five skills of EQ
•Attributes of AQL
•What is Self awareness
•How do we recognize self awareness?
•Why is it important – what are the benefits? Spiritual and worldly benefits
•How do we practice it?

For more resources on practical spirituality for Muslims, please visit:

1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms
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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 12:09pm EDT

In the third lecture of the series we cover the following:

The Battle between the Nafs and the Aql

The enemies of the aql: Nafs, Dunya, Devil and Desires

What is the nafs

Understanding the lower nafs

         The purpose of the lower nafs

         Understanding the brain – survival – bias for negativity – motivated by pain and pleasure (Quran uses both)

Dealing with emotional reactivity

For more resources on practical spirituality for Muslims, please visit:

1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 12:03pm EDT

•What are emotions
•What is the function of emotions in our lives
•We need to keep our hearts alive with emotion – emotion or feelings are not a bad thing
•How Allah uses emotion in the Quran
•The emotion of Awe – khashiya
•Examples of emotional stories in the Quran


1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Speech-2.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:09pm EDT

First lecture in the series

The audio is not great for the first lecture but better in the following ones.

In this lecture, we cover:

•What is intelligence – western concept and Islamic concept
•Islamic understanding of Aql
•Practice to activate the Aql


1) www.livingthequran.org

2) https://www.facebook.com/lovingandlearningthequran/

3) Loving and living the Quran Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

4) Daily Wisdom email newsletter is a short daily burst of inspiration to live your best self every day. Sign up: https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Speech-1-Final.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 8:03pm EDT

Few people would disagree about the value of gratitude in our physical and spiritual lives. It is easy to be thankful when things are going really well.

But what about when we are in challenging or difficult times? How does one maintain a grateful heart in the midst of difficulty and grief? 

In this session we explore ways to be grateful even if we are not feeling gratitude. 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_13_Gratitude_part_2_161106.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:17pm EDT

In this session we discuss the role of gratitude in nurturing a peaceful heart. What is gratitude and why is it so important on the spiritual path to have a grateful heart. 

We also discuss how to start an intentional practice of gratitude 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_12_161030_.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:06pm EDT

In the 11th lecture in the series we discuss the role of Nafsul Lawwama as an internal GPS to take us towards the Divine.

When we do not follow our internal GPS, we experience guilt and remorse which lead to agitation. The path towards a peaceful heart is to align our actions with our internal GPS. 

We discuss the following questions: 

  • What is NL? What is its role in guiding us towards a peaceful heart
  • What is the role of emotions generally in our lives? Why have we been given negative emotions such as guilt and shame?
  • How can we sharpen this tool and nurture it so that it helps us towards a Qalbe Saleem?

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_11_161029.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:59pm EDT

Social media is a powerful platform which can be used in a smart way to spread the message of Imam Hussain (as).

In this lecture we discuss questions like:

Why is it important to be savvy about using social media? The reality on the ground

The power of social media for good

Examples of great social media campaigns

Reminding ourselves about the principles of effective communication from the Quran

The dos and don’ts of playing it smart on Social Media

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_10_M2016_161015.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:51pm EDT

In the 9th session in the series we cover the following

What do we mean by Dhikr and its importance in the cultivation of a peaceful heart

Why Dhikr Allah is Akbar

Three types of Dhikr and examples of it

Living the Dhikr 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_9_M2016_161011.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:06pm EDT

In the 8th lecture in the series, we talk about the importance of keeping good company and why friendship matters. 

The Quran mentions several different types of companions and friends and is clear that some friendships support our ultimate purpose while other friendships can distract us from our main purpose and cause us great regret ultimately.

In this lecture we discuss the kinds of friendships to nurture and how to seek out good company.

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_8_M2016_161010.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:59pm EDT

In the 7th Lecture in this series, we talk about Salaat as a tool of purification. It is actually both a tool for evaluating how much our hearts are connected to the Divine and a means for that connection. 

The HP (saw) has said that Salaat is like a river flowing outside our homes which purifies from every impurity. The Quran also talks about the protective powers of salaat in keeping us away from spiritual toxins. In this lecture we will discuss and discover the philosophy behind each action in salaat and the power of salaat to act as a major tool in keeping the heart pure

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

 For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_7_M2016_161009.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 5:58pm EDT

In the 6th lecture of the series, we discuss our relationship with the Quran and why it is essential to build this relationship. 

We discuss how the Quran is both a proof and a guidance and why focusing on the proof is so important in order to access the guidance. 

When we have a problem with the guidance mentioned in the Quran, it is often because we have not realized or reflected on the 'Bayyanah", the hut and the miracle of the word of God.

In other words, if we get the bayyanah, the miracle of the Quran, it increases our faith and makes the guidance of the book more accessible. 


Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_6_161008.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 11:38am EDT

The topic for these series of lectures delivered in Toronto is "The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart"

In this session, we cover the role of communication in our spiritual path. the Holy Prophet (saw) is told to "have patience on what they say". This is such good advice for all of us!

Here are some of the topics we covered in this talk:

Quran and hadith on talking and remaining silent and speaking

What does patience look like? Does it mean we don’t speak?

How to know when to speak and when to keep silent?

Silence as a practice towards wise speech

Practicing wise speech

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

 For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_5_161007_M2016.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 12:05pm EDT

Lecture 4 in the series turned out to be quite an interactive session.

We started by reviewing the basics of meditation and then recapped the steps to turn our online conversations into conscious communication. How we live our day to day lives is very much indicative of our level of consciousness and connection to Allah. 

The topic for this lecture was night worship (Qiyam ul Lail) as an important tool on the spiritual path. We discussed why spirituality is so connected to wakefulness at night.

In this lecture we also talked about the practical hindrances to waking up and what we can do about them. The basics of sleep hygiene are also covered. 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_4_161006.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 6:18pm EDT

This is the third lecture in the series. In this lecture we address a very common obstacle on the spiritual path and that is negative thoughts

Here is what we cover in this episode: 

  1. The relationship of the mind to the heart
  2. The role of knowledge in purifying the heart
  3. Thoughts as gateways to the heart
  4. The practice of taffakur to purify the heart

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_3_161005.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:35pm EDT

Continuing with the topic of The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart, this lecture covers three main points:

  1. The Quran and Ahadith on health and sickness of the hearts
  2. Ten Reasons why it is important to focus on the health of our heart
  3. Assessing our own hearts

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Majlis_2_2016_161004_001.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

The topic for these series of lectures delivered in Toronto is "The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart"

In the first lecture, we discuss the role of Muharram in reviving our hearts and the roles and responsibilities of all of us during this period. 

As suggested, it may be a good idea to write out a pledge for yourself of your intention and intended behaviour during this time. This greatly helps in reminding ourselves of the purpose of the month of Muharram and establishing our focus and ensuring that we use the time for what it was intended. 

We also introduce the concept of the spiritual heart and share the outline of the proposed lectures:

Here is a brief outline of the plan for these 9 lectures inshallah

  • What is the importance of the heart in Islam? What does the Quran say about the importance of the heart? What does it mean to have a healthy heart? Why is it important to talk about the heart? We usually focus on knowledge and deeds. Modernity and the challenges of focusing on the heart. The role of knowledge in purifying our heart
  • Assessing disease and health of the heart? What does a spiritually healthy heart look like? What are we aiming for? What are some diseases of the heart?
  • what’s the relationship between our minds and our hearts? We will also lay out the plan for purification and the tools that we have. I will be following the program for spiritual purification that is laid out in Sura Muzzamil, Chapter 73 of the Quran. It is a short but very beautiful Sura which lays out a blueprint of sorts for the purification of the heart. It might be helpful to take a look at that at some point.
  • In terms of tools and resources we will first start with the Quran which Allah says is has been sent as a healer for the hearts. The Quran of course can never be separated from he who received the Quran on his heart and we will talk about the connection as well as some practical steps to improve our connection to the Quran in everyday lives.
  • We will talk about night worship and meditation as mentioned in Sura Muzzamil. Why spirituality is so connected to wakefulness at night. In this lecture we will also talk about the practical hindrances to waking up and what we can do about them
  • Keeping good company: why this is so important. Our relationships have a powerful impact on who we become and how we operate in this world. We will also discuss other rules about relationships and friendships that are outlined in Sura Muzzamil
  • As one of the important things of being on the path, the HP (saw) is advised to have patience when his adversaries mock him or verbally abuse him or tell him off. We will talk about this important concept as many of us struggle in conversations where there is conflict. We will talk about speaking from the ego versus speaking from the heart. We will talk about silence and speech and how to speak up and when to stay silent.
  • Salaat as a tool of purification. The HP (saw) has said that Salaat is like a river flowing outside our homes which purifies from every impurity. The Quran also talks about the protective powers of salaat in keeping us away from spiritual toxins. In this lecture we will discuss and discover the philosophy behind each action in salaat and the power of salaat to act as a major tool in keeping the heart pure
  • We will conclude our series with a discussion on Dhikr as a tool of purification. What is dhikr, what are the different types of dhikr and how we can practice dhikr so our hearts become an illumined lamp.

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org




Direct download: Lecture_1_Oct_3_2016.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 4:26pm EDT