Loving and Living the Quran

These two short Suwer of the Holy Quran form a pair and it is recommended that we recite them together in Salaat. The verses of these chapter show the love that Allah has for the Holy Prophet (saw) and his status before the Creator. 


Direct download: Chapter_94__93__Sura_Doha_and_Inshirah_1.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:29am EST

Sura Shams is a short chapter of the Quran which contains the greatest number of oaths at the beginning of any chapter. Why does Allah swt use all these oaths? Why does He, the All Truthful need to use oaths? What is of such importance that 11 important things such as the sun and moon are used to indicate its importance? 

This is a recording of a live session of the Quran Study Circle from 2009

Direct download: Chapter_91_Sura_Shams_.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:24am EST

In the final session on the study of Sura Rum, we discuss verse 41 which talks about how the actions of mankind are impacting the planet. This verse is so very relevant in today's age when we are facing the impact of climate change. 

We also discuss the relationship between physical renewal of the earth through winds and the spiritual renewal of mankind through revelation. 

Please visit www.livingthequran.org for resources on practical spirituality 

Do take a moment to review our show on iTunes - your support in this really matters so thank you!

Direct download: Chapter_30_Sura_Rum_Part_5_v_41_-_60_161206_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 7:44pm EST

Continuing with our study of Sura Rum, in this section we reflect important and well known verses of the Holy Quran. Verses 30 - 40 of Sura Rum have so many important verses to discuss and reflect on including the concept of Deen of Fitra, of giving to the near of kin their due and the philosophy behind the prohibition on usury. :

Verse 30 talks about how there can never be a change or alternation in Allah's creation

Verse 38 talks about giving the near of kin their due. We review the story behind this verse 

For more resources on Practical Spirituality, please visit www.livingthequran.org

Please take a moment to review our show on iTunes. Your support makes a huge difference in getting the word out to a wider audience so thank you!


Direct download: Chapter_30_Sura_Rum_Part_4_v_30_-_40_161124.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

Continuing with our study of Sura Rum, these verses talk about the signs of Allah in the Universe and about the creation of Man. These verses invite us to ponder, to be open to the Truth through reflection and listening. 

For more resources please visit www.livingthequran.org 

Please take a moment to rate our show on iTunes as this really helps getting the message out to a wider audience. Thank you!

Direct download: Chapter_30_Sura_Rum_Part_3_verse_24_-_29_onwards161117_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 7:11pm EST

Continuing with our study of Sura Rum, in these verses the Quran talks how man's final encounter with Him. To prepare for this final meeting, we are invited to develop a relationship with Him through a series of regular daily meetings in form of Salaat. 

We also begin the section which talks about the signs of Allah in creation of mankind and in the Universe. 

For more resources on the Quran and spirituality, please visit www.livingthequran.org


Direct download: Chapter_30_Sura_Rum_Part_2_v_16_-_23.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

In the first part of this awesome Sura we talk about the occasion of revelation and the prophesy of the Quran that the Romans will be victorious even though they had just been defeated at the hands of the Persians. 

Direct download: Chapter_30_Sura_Rum_Part_1_v_1_-_15_Oct_16.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 8:29pm EST

Few people would disagree about the value of gratitude in our physical and spiritual lives. It is easy to be thankful when things are going really well.

But what about when we are in challenging or difficult times? How does one maintain a grateful heart in the midst of difficulty and grief? 

In this session we explore ways to be grateful even if we are not feeling gratitude. 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_13_Gratitude_part_2_161106.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:17pm EST

In this session we discuss the role of gratitude in nurturing a peaceful heart. What is gratitude and why is it so important on the spiritual path to have a grateful heart. 

We also discuss how to start an intentional practice of gratitude 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_12_161030_.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

In the 11th lecture in the series we discuss the role of Nafsul Lawwama as an internal GPS to take us towards the Divine.

When we do not follow our internal GPS, we experience guilt and remorse which lead to agitation. The path towards a peaceful heart is to align our actions with our internal GPS. 

We discuss the following questions: 

  • What is NL? What is its role in guiding us towards a peaceful heart
  • What is the role of emotions generally in our lives? Why have we been given negative emotions such as guilt and shame?
  • How can we sharpen this tool and nurture it so that it helps us towards a Qalbe Saleem?

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_11_161029.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:59pm EST

Social media is a powerful platform which can be used in a smart way to spread the message of Imam Hussain (as).

In this lecture we discuss questions like:

Why is it important to be savvy about using social media? The reality on the ground

The power of social media for good

Examples of great social media campaigns

Reminding ourselves about the principles of effective communication from the Quran

The dos and don’ts of playing it smart on Social Media

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_10_M2016_161015.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

In the 9th session in the series we cover the following

What do we mean by Dhikr and its importance in the cultivation of a peaceful heart

Why Dhikr Allah is Akbar

Three types of Dhikr and examples of it

Living the Dhikr 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_9_M2016_161011.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

In the 8th lecture in the series, we talk about the importance of keeping good company and why friendship matters. 

The Quran mentions several different types of companions and friends and is clear that some friendships support our ultimate purpose while other friendships can distract us from our main purpose and cause us great regret ultimately.

In this lecture we discuss the kinds of friendships to nurture and how to seek out good company.

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_8_M2016_161010.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 9:59pm EST

In the 7th Lecture in this series, we talk about Salaat as a tool of purification. It is actually both a tool for evaluating how much our hearts are connected to the Divine and a means for that connection. 

The HP (saw) has said that Salaat is like a river flowing outside our homes which purifies from every impurity. The Quran also talks about the protective powers of salaat in keeping us away from spiritual toxins. In this lecture we will discuss and discover the philosophy behind each action in salaat and the power of salaat to act as a major tool in keeping the heart pure

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

 For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_7_M2016_161009.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 5:58pm EST

In the 6th lecture of the series, we discuss our relationship with the Quran and why it is essential to build this relationship. 

We discuss how the Quran is both a proof and a guidance and why focusing on the proof is so important in order to access the guidance. 

When we have a problem with the guidance mentioned in the Quran, it is often because we have not realized or reflected on the 'Bayyanah", the hut and the miracle of the word of God.

In other words, if we get the bayyanah, the miracle of the Quran, it increases our faith and makes the guidance of the book more accessible. 


Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_6_161008.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 11:38am EST

The topic for these series of lectures delivered in Toronto is "The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart"

In this session, we cover the role of communication in our spiritual path. the Holy Prophet (saw) is told to "have patience on what they say". This is such good advice for all of us!

Here are some of the topics we covered in this talk:

Quran and hadith on talking and remaining silent and speaking

What does patience look like? Does it mean we don’t speak?

How to know when to speak and when to keep silent?

Silence as a practice towards wise speech

Practicing wise speech

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

 For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_5_161007_M2016.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

Lecture 4 in the series turned out to be quite an interactive session.

We started by reviewing the basics of meditation and then recapped the steps to turn our online conversations into conscious communication. How we live our day to day lives is very much indicative of our level of consciousness and connection to Allah. 

The topic for this lecture was night worship (Qiyam ul Lail) as an important tool on the spiritual path. We discussed why spirituality is so connected to wakefulness at night.

In this lecture we also talked about the practical hindrances to waking up and what we can do about them. The basics of sleep hygiene are also covered. 

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Lecture_4_161006.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 6:18pm EST

This is the third lecture in the series. In this lecture we address a very common obstacle on the spiritual path and that is negative thoughts

Here is what we cover in this episode: 

  1. The relationship of the mind to the heart
  2. The role of knowledge in purifying the heart
  3. Thoughts as gateways to the heart
  4. The practice of taffakur to purify the heart

Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_3_161005.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:35pm EST

Continuing with the topic of The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart, this lecture covers three main points:

  1. The Quran and Ahadith on health and sickness of the hearts
  2. Ten Reasons why it is important to focus on the health of our heart
  3. Assessing our own hearts

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

 To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms


Direct download: Majlis_2_2016_161004_001.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

The topic for these series of lectures delivered in Toronto is "The Practical Path to a Peaceful Heart"

In the first lecture, we discuss the role of Muharram in reviving our hearts and the roles and responsibilities of all of us during this period. 

As suggested, it may be a good idea to write out a pledge for yourself of your intention and intended behaviour during this time. This greatly helps in reminding ourselves of the purpose of the month of Muharram and establishing our focus and ensuring that we use the time for what it was intended. 

We also introduce the concept of the spiritual heart and share the outline of the proposed lectures:

Here is a brief outline of the plan for these 9 lectures inshallah

  • What is the importance of the heart in Islam? What does the Quran say about the importance of the heart? What does it mean to have a healthy heart? Why is it important to talk about the heart? We usually focus on knowledge and deeds. Modernity and the challenges of focusing on the heart. The role of knowledge in purifying our heart
  • Assessing disease and health of the heart? What does a spiritually healthy heart look like? What are we aiming for? What are some diseases of the heart?
  • what’s the relationship between our minds and our hearts? We will also lay out the plan for purification and the tools that we have. I will be following the program for spiritual purification that is laid out in Sura Muzzamil, Chapter 73 of the Quran. It is a short but very beautiful Sura which lays out a blueprint of sorts for the purification of the heart. It might be helpful to take a look at that at some point.
  • In terms of tools and resources we will first start with the Quran which Allah says is has been sent as a healer for the hearts. The Quran of course can never be separated from he who received the Quran on his heart and we will talk about the connection as well as some practical steps to improve our connection to the Quran in everyday lives.
  • We will talk about night worship and meditation as mentioned in Sura Muzzamil. Why spirituality is so connected to wakefulness at night. In this lecture we will also talk about the practical hindrances to waking up and what we can do about them
  • Keeping good company: why this is so important. Our relationships have a powerful impact on who we become and how we operate in this world. We will also discuss other rules about relationships and friendships that are outlined in Sura Muzzamil
  • As one of the important things of being on the path, the HP (saw) is advised to have patience when his adversaries mock him or verbally abuse him or tell him off. We will talk about this important concept as many of us struggle in conversations where there is conflict. We will talk about speaking from the ego versus speaking from the heart. We will talk about silence and speech and how to speak up and when to stay silent.
  • Salaat as a tool of purification. The HP (saw) has said that Salaat is like a river flowing outside our homes which purifies from every impurity. The Quran also talks about the protective powers of salaat in keeping us away from spiritual toxins. In this lecture we will discuss and discover the philosophy behind each action in salaat and the power of salaat to act as a major tool in keeping the heart pure
  • We will conclude our series with a discussion on Dhikr as a tool of purification. What is dhikr, what are the different types of dhikr and how we can practice dhikr so our hearts become an illumined lamp.

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org




Direct download: Lecture_1_Oct_3_2016.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

Sura Juma starts with subhan of Allah and then we are told the reason why the Holy Prophet (saw) was sent.

A part of the Sura was sent down on the occasion when a trade caravan arrived in Madinah right at the time of Friday congregation prayer. During the service when the people heard the noise and call of the traders calling out to sell their wares, they left the Prophet's mosque and rushed to the caravan although the Prophet was delivering the Sermon. Thereupon it was enjoined that when the call for the Friday Prayer was made all trade, business and other occupation must stop. Upon hearing the call, believers should suspend every kind of transaction and hasten to the remembrance of Allah.

However, when the prayer is over they can go back and resume their normal business. We are told that the remembrance of Allah swt is better than trade if only we were conscious of it. 

This is a recording from a live session in 2007

Direct download: Chapter_62_Sura_Juma_06May07_-_Podcast.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:14pm EST

  Live recording of session. Check out this episode!
Direct download: Chapter_92_Sura_Lail_-_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm EST

Chapter 95 Sura Teen

Recording of live sessions from one of the early meetings of Quran Study Circle. 

Direct download: Chapter_95_Sura_Teen_Podcast.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 7:41pm EST

Chapter 87 Sura Ala'a

This Surah is one of the earliest Surahs revealed at Makkah and it talks about 

  1. Tawhid: Allah is Almighty, always glorify Him.
  2. Allah has taken the responsibility off of Holy Prophet's memorization of the Qur'an by assuring him that he will not forget any portion of it.
  3. Those who heed Allah's reminders will be successful in the Hereafter. 

When P (saw) was asked about favourite Sura, he said Ala. It was very close to him.  Ala is one of the names of Allah – it is one of 4 suwer of the Quran which bear one of the names of Allah swt – Rahman, Fatir, Ala and Ghafir, (which is also called Surat Momin)

Sura Ala is also one of the 6 glorification sura which begin with the Tasbeeh of Allah swt: Hadid – 57 Hashr – 59 Saff – 61 Jummah – 62 Taghabun – 63 Ala – 87. These Suras mention various Names of Allah s..tw , and Suratul Hadeed mentions 4 Names, Al Awwal ul Aakhir, Az Zahir Al Batin, The First, the Last, the Open and the Hidden, which Masters have called the Source Names, as all other attributes of Allah s..wt are necessary offshoots or derivatives from this Essential Reality.

Sayyid Qutb says that this sura turns the whole universe into a temple of glorification where the four corners echo the glory and subhan of Allah and when we were listening to the Sura, it’s rhythm, and the ending vowels of each aya seem to echo the tasbih of Al Alaa This Sura is like a capsule summary of the essence of the entire spiritual path.

Direct download: Chapter_87_Sura_Ala_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 7:03pm EST

Continuing with our study of Ayat ul Kursi, which the Holy Prophet (saw) called "Sayyadul Ayat". 

In this session, we do a recap of the Verse of the Throne and then go on to study one of the most oft quoted and misquoted verses 2:256 "There is no compulsion in religion". What does this mean? Does it mean that we can do whatever we want? Doesn't that then make the rules of religion meaningless? This discussion may clarify these and other questions about this important verse of Sura Baqara.



Direct download: Ayat_ul_Kursi_pt_3_Edited_2008.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:05am EST

Ayat ul Kursi Part 2 of 3

Continuing with our study of Ayat ul Kursi which is Allah’s introduction of Himself, His self-definition.

In this session we talk about the Holy Attributes of Hayy and Qayyum - The Ever-Living and the Self Subsisting

This episode is part 2 from a live Quran Study Group session in 2007 when we spent 3 weeks studying this verse. 



Direct download: Ayat_ul_Kursi_pt_2_edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

Ayat ul Kursi Part 1 of 3

Ayat ul Kursi is Allah’s introduction of Himself, His self-definition.

Hadith: “Everything has a summit and the summit of the Quran is Ayat ul Kursi”

HP (saw) cream of the Quran is in Suratul Baqara and the cream of Suratul Baqara is in Ayat al kursi

Imam Ali (as) : “I have not spent a single night . . .without reciting it.”

This episode is from a live Quran Study Group session in 2007 when we spent 3 weeks studying this verse. 


Direct download: Ayat_ul_Kursi_pt_1_EDITED_wout_qs__2007.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Chapter 32 Sura Sajda verses 23 - 30

In the final few verses of this awesome Sura, Allah mentions the faculties of sight and hearing and invites us to listen, not just hear and have insight not just see. The verses talk about how if we listen and have vision, we will can become conscious of our past, discover our true purpose and use our time here accordingly. Those who refuse to learn from these signs focus instead in questioning and arguments which are not going to be useful in the long run. 

Direct download: Sura_Sajda_Verses_23_-_30_end.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Chapter 32 Sura Sajda verses 18 - 22

Continuing with our study of Sura Sajda, these verses explain how a believer and a transgressor are not the same - in fact, their outlook on life, their perceptions and their actions are all polar opposites. While the believers have a vision for the Hereafter and act accordingly, the transgressors are focused on following their whims based on very short term thinking. It is natural that they will different eventual outcomes. 

Direct download: Chapter_32_Sura_Sajda_v_18_-_22.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:57pm EST

Chapter 32 Sura Sajda verses 15 - 17

These verses contain the profile of those who believe in the communications of Allah swt. The verses list 8 actions of believers and how they respond to the communications of their Lord. 

We also cover the rules of prostration when we recite a which contains an obligatory prostration. 

Direct download: Chapter_32_Sura_Sajda_v_15_-_17.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:48pm EST

Chapter 32 Sura Sajda verses 10 - 14

Continuing with our study of Sura Sajda, these verses about the outcome of the disbelievers on the Day when they are faced with the consequences of the way they lived their life

Direct download: Chpater_32_Sura_Sajda_v_10_-_14.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:15pm EST

Chapter 32 Sura Sajda verses 6 - 9

Continuing with the study of Sura Sajda, these verses talk about the stages of man's creation. Islam asks us to reflect not only about our end and final destination but also about our beginnings. These verses talk about man's physical creation and then his spiritual side as well. 

Direct download: Chapter_32_Sura_Sajda_v_6_-_9.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:11pm EST

Chapter 21 Sura Sajda v 1 - 5

Sura Sajda is a beautiful sura of the Holy Quran which, it is reported, that the Holy Prophet (saw) used to recite every night (along with Sura Mulk).

In the episode, we talk about the benefits of this Sura and discus the first few verses which talk about the objections to the Quran that were presented to the Holy Prophet (saw) and how Allah swt answers them. 

Direct download: Chapter_32_Sura_Sajda_v_1_-_5.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:06pm EST

Reflections on Dua Makarim Akhlaq part 2 of 2

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_2.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:46pm EST

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_1.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

Continuing with our study of Sura Ankabut, the last three sections (verses 45 - 69) have many important injunctions and lessons, including that of Salaat, discussing points of difference, maintaining attention and travel. 

This is a recording from a live session in 2009

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_3_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:49pm EST

Continuing our study of Sura Ankabut, in this session we discuss the benefits of travel in the path of God. We also discuss the meaning and implications of Allah as Aadil (Just). The metaphor of the spider's web and the lessons that we can learn from this are also covered in this session. 

This is a recording from a live session in 2009. 

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_2_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:06pm EST

Chapter 29 Sura Ankabut part 1 of 3

Sura Ankabut (The Spider) is a very important Sura of the Holy Quran with lots of life lessons for us. It is highly recommended to recite this Sura on the Nights of Qadr

This is a recording from a live session in 2009

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_1_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

Chapter 44 Sura Dukhan

Sura Dukhan is one of the suwer that we recite on the Nights of Qadr. In the beginning of the Sura, Allah swt talks about the Quran being revealed on a blessed night.

This is a recording of a live session from 2009.

Direct download: Chapter_44_Sura_Dukhan_Edited_091226.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 8:10pm EST

5 Steps to Overcoming Materialism

The Quran asks man to reflect on this question: "O man! What has beguiled you from your Lord, the Gracious One?" (Chapter 82:6)

Inspired by this question, lets reflect on the many things that distract us from the Path to Allah and from our main purpose in life, which is reaching our full potential. In fact, modern life is so full of distractions that it is hard for us to focus on anything at all. We seem to be running in all directions, having lost sight of what our true priorities are.

In this session, we talk about the distraction of MATERIALISM, how it distracts us, and why this is a problem.

We talk about 5 steps to start managing the distraction of materialism and get back on track to what will truly bring us the peace and happiness that we crave. 

Direct download: materialism.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

This is a live recorded session from a couple of years ago discussing the merits of the month of Ramadan and the Sermon of the Holy Prophet (saw) welcoming the month of mercy and blessings. 

Direct download: Spiritual_Prep_for_Ramadan_Friday_Cl.wav
Category:Ramadan -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

In the final verses of this Sura, we are commanded not to treat our Holy Prophet (saw) like Nabi Musa (as) was treated by his followers. We are also told about the great trust that the human being accepted and how he has dealt with that trust. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_69_-_73.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

In this section we are told about the reasons for Hijab. The injunction for hijab follows with a very strong warning to hypocrites and trouble makers and how they are to be dealt with for the health and security of the community. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_59_-_68.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

In this section we are told about the reasons for Hijab. The injunction for hijab follows with a very strong warning to hypocrites and trouble makers and how they are to be dealt with for the health and security of the community. 

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Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

In the well-known verse of this Sura, we are commanded to send salutations on the Holy Prophet (saw) just as Allah swt and His angels are continuously sending blessings on him. We are then warned about the grievous consequences of causing harm or annoyance to the Holy Prophet (saw) and warned against slandering believers. 

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Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 12:11am EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 49 - 55

These verses talk about some injunctions for marriage and divorce, both for the Holy Prophet (saw) in particular and for the believers in general. There is also more guidance for the believers about courtesies due to the Holy Prophet (saw) and his household. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_verses_49_-_55.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

In these verses Allah swt addresses the Holy Prophet (saw) and mentions 5 attributes and responsibilities that He has granted the Holy Prophet (saw). 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_verses_45_-_48.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

In these beautiful verses, we are advised to be in a continuous state of remembrance and told about the outcome of being in remembrance 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_41_-_44_Remembrance_of_Allah.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:57am EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 35 - 40

Continuing with the study of Sura Ahzab, this section discusses Zaid ibn Harith divorce from Zaynab bint Jahesh and her subsequent marriage to the Holy Prophet (saw) and the lessons to be learnt from this. 

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Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 21 - 34

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam. 

In this section, the HP (saw) is asked to talk to his wives and his household and give them certain messages

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Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 9 - 20

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam. 

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_v_9_-_v_20_160317_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verse 1-8

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam. 

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_v_1_-_v_8_160310_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:21pm EST

Mostly everyone agrees that telling the truth is one of the keystones of character. It is also the basis of developing trust in relationships, both personal and business.

Why is it then, that we sometimes find it so hard to tell the truth? We may have become so habituated to being selective with the truth that we may not even be conscious of it when we are not telling the truth and the whole truth. Is it ever okay to tell "little white lies"? is it ever okay to conceal part of the truth? We explore these and many other questions in this final lecture in the series "Essential Virtues for Developing Nobility of Character".

Direct download: Truthfulness_-_M2015.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 3:19pm EST