Sat, 19 August 2023
In this episode, we discuss the topic of asking for forgiveness. We start by talking about how to ask forgiveness from God and turn to the topic of apologizing to people and what ineffective and effective apologies look like. |
Mon, 18 January 2016
Mostly everyone agrees that telling the truth is one of the keystones of character. It is also the basis of developing trust in relationships, both personal and business. Why is it then, that we sometimes find it so hard to tell the truth? We may have become so habituated to being selective with the truth that we may not even be conscious of it when we are not telling the truth and the whole truth. Is it ever okay to tell "little white lies"? is it ever okay to conceal part of the truth? We explore these and many other questions in this final lecture in the series "Essential Virtues for Developing Nobility of Character". |
Sat, 14 November 2015
In this episode, we discuss the virtue of trustworthiness, what it means to be trustworthy and how we can become more trustworthy
Direct download: Lecture_9_Trustworthiness_151031.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 8:23pm EDT |
Sat, 14 November 2015
In this episode, we recap lectures 1-7 and the various virtues that were discussed over the few days
Direct download: Lecture_8_Recap_Essential_Virtues_20151023_142626.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 7:34pm EDT |
Sat, 14 November 2015
In this episode, we discuss the virtue of courage as it relates to character development. When we think of courage, we may think only of bravery but courage is so much more and includes living up to your life purpose despite the fears and uncertainties that haunt you. |
Sun, 8 November 2015
In this session, we discuss the powerful practice of gratitude which has been called "the secret sauce of happiness" “I have been sent to perfect the nobility of your character”. Prophet Mohammed (saw) The Holy Prophet (saw) articulated his mission as supporting the perfection of character of his Umma. He himself was a living example of what nobility of character looks like in action. The Quran testifies to this by saying “And most surely you are of a tremendous nature.” (The Holy Quran, 68:4 ) In these series of talks, we will inshallah discuss the essential elements of a noble character as taught to us by the Prophet (saw) and his family. We will discuss various aspects of virtues that make up a Noble Character, such as Courage, Compassion, Patience and Gratitude among others. We will focus on practical tools to nurture and strengthen these virtues within ourselves so that we can help realize the mission of the Holy Prophet (saw). At the end of the series, we hope to have a clear picture of what the virtue looks like in action and practical ways to practice the virtue for ourselves in our daily lives.
Fri, 30 October 2015
In this lecture we discuss the virtue of Sabr which is usually translated as Patience but it is so much more than that. In this lecture we discuss the three parts of the virtue of Sabr and what modern research says about it |
Fri, 30 October 2015
In this lecture we discuss the virtue of contentment and why it is the foundation of gratitude and compassion.
Direct download: Lecture_2_Contentment_M2015.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 10:53pm EDT |
Fri, 30 October 2015
“I have been sent to perfect the nobility of your character”. Prophet Mohammed (saw) The Holy Prophet (saw) articulated his mission as supporting the perfection of character of his Umma. He himself was a living example of what nobility of character looks like in action. The Quran testifies to this by saying “And most surely you are of a tremendous nature.” (The Holy Quran, 68:4 ) In these series of talks, we will inshallah discuss the essential elements of a noble character as taught to us by the Prophet (saw) and his family. We will discuss various aspects of virtues that make up a Noble Character, such as Courage, Compassion, Patience and Gratitude among others. We will focus on practical tools to nurture and strengthen these virtues within ourselves so that we can help realize the mission of the Holy Prophet (saw). At the end of the series, we hope to have a clear picture of what the virtue looks like in action and practical ways to practice the virtue for ourselves in our daily lives. |
Sat, 8 August 2015
This episode is part of a longer live traiing on practicing forgiveness. In this section, we explore the cost of holding onto resentments and discuss how and why we form grievances. Once we recognize how holding onto resentments robs us of joy and saps our energy, we can begin the process of healing ourselves from the poison of resentment.
Direct download: Retreat_-_forgiveness_-_part_1.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 10:14pm EDT |
Wed, 5 August 2015
Direct download: Reflection_on_Sura_Luqman_v_16.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 8:26pm EDT |
Mon, 25 May 2015
Do you find that your temper gets in the way of maintaining good family relationships? Do you find yourself focusing on the challenging aspects of other's personalities? Here are some suggestions to manage anger so that it does not get in the way of great family relationships.
Direct download: Restraining_Anger_and_Maintaining_Family_Relations_091015_001.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 12:54pm EDT |
Fri, 1 May 2015
Leading up to Ramadaan, I will inshallah try and upload some sessions on self development. Here is one from a live session in 2009. It introduces the concept of self knowledge and briefly covers the steps to getting to know ourselves
Direct download: Accessing_Self_Knowledge_through_Taffakkur.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT |
Thu, 26 February 2015
How can we use the precious gift of time so that we do not regert wasted oppurtunity?
Direct download: Regret-Free_Life_Majlis_4_Managing_Time_091225.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 3:05pm EDT |
Sun, 22 February 2015
In the third part in our series on Living a Regret Free Life, we discuss the power of words and language. What do you think people regret most, saying something or staying silent?
Direct download: Regret-Free_LIfe_Majlis_3_Power_of_Words__091224.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 5:05am EDT |
Sat, 14 February 2015
In ths series of talks, we explore what many people regret at the end of their lives and practice ways to live a fulfilling and peaceful life
Direct download: Regret-Free_LIfe_Majlis_1_Taking_Action__091215.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 2:18pm EDT |
Tue, 2 December 2014
What is self control and why is so hard to practice? What are some of the ways we can develop it within ourselves, model it for our children and encourage them towards practicing it as well |
Sun, 2 November 2014
In this lecture we explore the concept of humility before Allah swt and humility with people. The Dua itself is an excellent example of how an abd of Allah is to adopt a position of humility and yet have an intimate relationship with His Lord. We then examine what humility looks like and explore practical strategies to cultivate humility within our hearts.
Direct download: Transforming_ourselves_through_Dua_Kumayl_7.mp3
Category:Personal Virtues -- posted at: 4:49pm EDT |
Mon, 15 September 2014