Loving and Living the Quran (Spirituality )

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Direct download: Lecture_2_The_Science_and_Spirituality_of_Sabr.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

To access lots of free resources on relationships and personal growth, please sign up for #DailyWisdom at www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

Direct download: Lecture_5_Science_and_Spirituality_of_Sabr.m4a
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 10:59am EST

To access lots of free resources on relationships and personal growth, please sign up for #DailyWisdom at www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

Direct download: Lecture_4_Science_and_Spirituality_of_Sabr.m4a
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 11:12am EST

To access lots of free resources on relationships and personal growth, please sign up for #DailyWisdom at www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

Direct download: Lecture_3_The_Science_and_Spirituality_of_Sabr.m4a
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 6:19am EST

To access lots of free resources on relationships and personal growth, please sign up for #DailyWisdom at www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

Direct download: Lecture_1_The_Science_and_Spirituality_of_Sabr.m4a
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 6:05am EST

A recording of a live session where we discussed our journey from Allah, back to Allah and what is the purpose of our life on this planet. 
We discussed why it is so easy to get distracted and how we can stay focused on our purpose by practicing small acts of kindness with intention. 

For more resources on practical spirituality, please visit www.livingthequran.org

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Direct download: Death_and_the_reality_of_our_life_.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 11:16am EST

Reflections on Dua Makarim Akhlaq part 2 of 2

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_2.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:46pm EST

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_1.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

5 Steps to Overcoming Materialism

The Quran asks man to reflect on this question: "O man! What has beguiled you from your Lord, the Gracious One?" (Chapter 82:6)

Inspired by this question, lets reflect on the many things that distract us from the Path to Allah and from our main purpose in life, which is reaching our full potential. In fact, modern life is so full of distractions that it is hard for us to focus on anything at all. We seem to be running in all directions, having lost sight of what our true priorities are.

In this session, we talk about the distraction of MATERIALISM, how it distracts us, and why this is a problem.

We talk about 5 steps to start managing the distraction of materialism and get back on track to what will truly bring us the peace and happiness that we crave. 

Direct download: materialism.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

In this session, we discuss what is compassion (hilm) and how to develop it

I have been sent to perfect the nobility of your character”. Prophet Mohammed (saw)

The Holy Prophet (saw) articulated his mission as supporting the perfection of character of his Umma. He himself was a living example of what nobility of character looks like in action. The Quran testifies to this by saying “And most surely you are of a tremendous nature.” (The Holy Quran, 68:4 )

In these series of talks, we will inshallah discuss the essential elements of a noble character as taught to us by the Prophet (saw) and his family. We will discuss various aspects of virtues that make up a Noble Character, such as Courage, Compassion, Patience and Gratitude among others.

We will focus on practical tools to nurture and strengthen these virtues within ourselves so that we can help realize the mission of the Holy Prophet (saw).  At the end of the series, we hope to have a clear picture of what the virtue looks like in action and practical ways to practice the virtue for ourselves in our daily lives.


Direct download: Lecture_4_151018_001.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

Many of us struggle to focus and maintain concentration when we pray. Sometimes it seems that the harder we try to focus, the more difficult it appears. This session is the recording from a live session from 2007, where we explore the issue of concentration in salaat and discuss various strategies to improve focus. 

Direct download: Perfecting_Your_Salaat_.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 3:48pm EST