Loving and Living the Quran

In this session we explore a brief history of marriage in the West and compare it to the philosophy of marriage in Islam.

We also talk about the strongest link in the family and why it is crucial to work on your marriage relationship if you intend to build a safe haven for your children.

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EST


  • Why is it important to be vary of trends and choose timeless principles instead
  • What does a God-centered home look like – reflections from the Sermon of Hammam from Nahjul Balagha.

Continue the learning and inspiration: Sign up for Daily Wisdom inspirational emails: https://www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

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Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

We continue our discussion on Building a Peaceful Home.

In this session, we discuss:


  • The importance of choosing a solid foundation
  • What happens when the foundation is shaky?
  • Two shaky foundations that are causing us to lose tranquility
  • What is the solution? Building our homes on a solid foundation


Continue the learning and inspiration: Sign up for Daily Wisdom inspirational emails: https://www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom

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Direct download: Lecture_2_M2019_190903.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

The Quran says: And God has ordained for you a place of rest and quiet in your dwellings. We explore the need and purpose of a peaceful home in these sessions. This session introduces the topic and discusses why it is more important than ever to build a home that is a safe haven for our families.


This session discusses the following points:

  • The importance and meaning of home for human beings
  • The functions of a home and family in Islam
  • The meaning and search for Sukoon (peace, tranquility) as a central feature of our lives
  • The Quran tells us that Sukoon can be found in these four places


Continue the learning and inspiration: Sign up for Daily Wisdom inspirational emails: https://www.marziahassan.org/dailywisdom


For more resources and inspiration, please visit:


Direct download: Lecture_1_M2019_190902.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 2:26pm EST