Loving and Living the Quran
Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 49 - 55

These verses talk about some injunctions for marriage and divorce, both for the Holy Prophet (saw) in particular and for the believers in general. There is also more guidance for the believers about courtesies due to the Holy Prophet (saw) and his household. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_verses_49_-_55.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

In these verses Allah swt addresses the Holy Prophet (saw) and mentions 5 attributes and responsibilities that He has granted the Holy Prophet (saw). 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_verses_45_-_48.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

In these beautiful verses, we are advised to be in a continuous state of remembrance and told about the outcome of being in remembrance 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_41_-_44_Remembrance_of_Allah.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:57am EST