Loving and Living the Quran (Family relationships)

Brief presentation on Strong Families and practical ways to strengthen family bonds

Direct download: Noor_Presentation_on_Strong_Famiilies_150116_001.mp3
Category:Family relationships -- posted at: 1:18pm EDT

Part of a longer workshop on Strenghening our Families. In this episode we try and understand why it is so challenging to maintain a healthy family

Direct download: Challenges_faced_by_the_Modern_Family.mp3
Category:Family relationships -- posted at: 9:18pm EDT

Part of a longer workshop on Strengthening our Families, in this episode, we discuss characteristics and habits of strong families.

Direct download: Traits_and_Characteristics_of_Strong_Families.mp3
Category:Family relationships -- posted at: 9:50pm EDT

What is the difference between self esteem and self confidence and what parents can do to enhance their children's emotional wellbeing

Direct download: 20130412_133107.mp3
Category:Family relationships -- posted at: 10:48pm EDT

In this short episode, we discuss adjusting to the post parenting years, what is to be expected, and how to cope if you are experiencing challenges

Direct download: The_Empty_Nest_Syndrome_-_Oppurtunities_and_Challenges.mp3
Category:Family relationships -- posted at: 4:02pm EDT