Loving and Living the Quran

Continuing with painting a portrait of the Ibrad ur Rahman, verse 73 of Chapter 25, Sura Furqan points to another characteristic of these sincere believers: 


[25:73] and they who, when they are reminded of the signs of their Lord, fall not deaf and blind against them


Scholars explain that the “falling deaf and blind” refers to the act of falling down, to snore, to droop down as if the person were bored or inattentive, or did not wish to see or hear or pay attention. In other words, it is ignoring or being inattentive to the message being conveyed. 


The Quran mentions spiritual deafness and blindness in other places and reminds us that we can have eyes and ears but still be deaf and blind. 


Truly God-conscious are those who are deeply desirous of understanding the message, and therefore "listen to it with wide-awake ears and look into it with seeing eyes". Because they are connected to the All Compassionate and trust that all instructions of come from Him are for their ultimate benefit, they are eager to hear any truth or message or see any sign from Allah [swt] because they know it will helps them to reach their goal . 


They act, not out of some superstitious beliefs or on a superficial level but from a firm conviction that this is what is right, what is most beneficial. They don’t ignore or just perform the ritual of hearing or seeing Allah [swt]’s verses. Instead, through their ears and their eyes they gain insights which are deep and profound. This is why they are able to see beyond the immediate and remain steadfast in going towards the goal. They are fully awake, mindful and aware, and so whatever they receive by way of guidance is absorbed and implemented.


As many of us are attending more closely to the Quran during this month, let us ask ourselves if there are commands or instructions that we have been resisting or avoiding. Can we relook at some of these and see how we can take baby steps to implement these in our lives?


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Category:Ramadan -- posted at: 8:21pm EDT