Loving and Living the Quran
Reflections on Dua Makarim Akhlaq part 2 of 2

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_2.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:46pm EDT

Dua Makarim Akhlaq is one the most beautiful Duaas what we have. It is actually a full program of self development in itself. If we read this carefully, it can guide us to realize and work towards developing true nobility of character. 

This is from a live session, recorded in 2007.

Direct download: Makarim_Akhlaq_-_Part_1.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 4:05pm EDT

Continuing with our study of Sura Ankabut, the last three sections (verses 45 - 69) have many important injunctions and lessons, including that of Salaat, discussing points of difference, maintaining attention and travel. 

This is a recording from a live session in 2009

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_3_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:49pm EDT

Continuing our study of Sura Ankabut, in this session we discuss the benefits of travel in the path of God. We also discuss the meaning and implications of Allah as Aadil (Just). The metaphor of the spider's web and the lessons that we can learn from this are also covered in this session. 

This is a recording from a live session in 2009. 

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_2_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 11:06pm EDT

Chapter 29 Sura Ankabut part 1 of 3

Sura Ankabut (The Spider) is a very important Sura of the Holy Quran with lots of life lessons for us. It is highly recommended to recite this Sura on the Nights of Qadr

This is a recording from a live session in 2009

Direct download: Chapter_29_Sura_Ankabut_Part_1_of_3_Edited.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 10:43pm EDT

Chapter 44 Sura Dukhan

Sura Dukhan is one of the suwer that we recite on the Nights of Qadr. In the beginning of the Sura, Allah swt talks about the Quran being revealed on a blessed night.

This is a recording of a live session from 2009.

Direct download: Chapter_44_Sura_Dukhan_Edited_091226.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 8:10pm EDT

5 Steps to Overcoming Materialism

The Quran asks man to reflect on this question: "O man! What has beguiled you from your Lord, the Gracious One?" (Chapter 82:6)

Inspired by this question, lets reflect on the many things that distract us from the Path to Allah and from our main purpose in life, which is reaching our full potential. In fact, modern life is so full of distractions that it is hard for us to focus on anything at all. We seem to be running in all directions, having lost sight of what our true priorities are.

In this session, we talk about the distraction of MATERIALISM, how it distracts us, and why this is a problem.

We talk about 5 steps to start managing the distraction of materialism and get back on track to what will truly bring us the peace and happiness that we crave. 

Direct download: materialism.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 12:09pm EDT

This is a live recorded session from a couple of years ago discussing the merits of the month of Ramadan and the Sermon of the Holy Prophet (saw) welcoming the month of mercy and blessings. 

Direct download: Spiritual_Prep_for_Ramadan_Friday_Cl.wav
Category:Ramadan -- posted at: 10:47pm EDT

In the final verses of this Sura, we are commanded not to treat our Holy Prophet (saw) like Nabi Musa (as) was treated by his followers. We are also told about the great trust that the human being accepted and how he has dealt with that trust. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_69_-_73.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 9:47pm EDT

In this section we are told about the reasons for Hijab. The injunction for hijab follows with a very strong warning to hypocrites and trouble makers and how they are to be dealt with for the health and security of the community. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_59_-_68.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

In this section we are told about the reasons for Hijab. The injunction for hijab follows with a very strong warning to hypocrites and trouble makers and how they are to be dealt with for the health and security of the community. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_59_-_68.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 2:59pm EDT

In the well-known verse of this Sura, we are commanded to send salutations on the Holy Prophet (saw) just as Allah swt and His angels are continuously sending blessings on him. We are then warned about the grievous consequences of causing harm or annoyance to the Holy Prophet (saw) and warned against slandering believers. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_verses_56_-_58.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 12:11am EDT