Sun, 2 April 2023
In this episode we discuss the benefits and barriers to seeking guidance and advice from others and why we need to get into the habit of consultation which is amongst the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw). |
Sun, 2 April 2023
When we encounter negativity or aggression towards us, it is easy to lose our emotional balance. We use verse 65 of Sura Yunus to inspire us towards dealing with aggression and negativity. |
Sat, 1 April 2023
Amongst the most challenging people that the Holy Prophet (saw) dealt with were those who professed belief with their tongue but harboured ill will towards the Prophet (saw) and his mission in their hearts. In this verse Allah swt tells the Prophet (saw) how to deal with this situation. In this episode we explore how this verse can guide us in dealing with situations of aggression and hate towards us. |