Mon, 24 August 2020
DEFINITION OF ISLAM: Rahma- dealing with people with more than just justice. REFERENCE: SURAH AL-ISRA/BANI-ISRAEL- THE NIGHT JOURNEY When you do ihsan, you do it for yourself. We have the freedom of choice to choose our actions but we do not choose the consequences of our actions. Physical benefits of doing good to others:
Mental and emotional benefits of doing good to others:
However, you must do the deed with the correct intention or it will not benefit you. Do it out of the goodness of your heart rather than to gain something in return. Certain etiquettes whilst doing ihsan:
Narration of Imam Ali (AS): To be in this world is not good except for two types of people:
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Mon, 24 August 2020
TOPIC OF THE YEAR: The pursuit and practice of Ihsan The primary purpose of these gatherings is to give our condolences to the household of the beloved Holy Prophet of Islam. BLESSINGS OF THESE MAJLIS:
An important part of these days is to pass on the message of Kerbala to others. Hadith by Imam Reza (AS): “By learning our knowledge and teaching it to people. If people knew the merits of our knowledge they would follow us.” Imam Hussain’s (AS) message: Living with the concept of ihsan- kindness, excellence, and virtue. COVID- Challenges and opportunities:
The Holy Family as inspiration Fatima Zahra (SA):
Basic foundations of morality and righteousness
‘Hasana’ is a key root word of the Quran.
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