Loving and Living the Quran

In this session we covered section 5 which contains verses 69 - verses- 104

Here the Qur’an refers to the expressive biography of Abraham and his struggles against polytheists. This explanation has started from Abraham’s debate with his uncle, ’Athar, and the misled people of his time.

It begins as follows:

“And recite unto them the story of Abraham.”

Among all the details and information concerning this great prophet, the Qur’an emphasizes on this matter, saying:

“When he said to his father and his people: ‘What do you worship?’”

Surely Abraham (as) knew what they were worshipping, but he meant to make them speak and confess their own fault.

Direct download: aac_Chapter_26_Sura_Shuraa_v69_-_v104.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 6:30am EDT