Loving and Living the Quran

In the 6th lecture of the series, we discuss our relationship with the Quran and why it is essential to build this relationship. 

We discuss how the Quran is both a proof and a guidance and why focusing on the proof is so important in order to access the guidance. 

When we have a problem with the guidance mentioned in the Quran, it is often because we have not realized or reflected on the 'Bayyanah", the hut and the miracle of the word of God.

In other words, if we get the bayyanah, the miracle of the Quran, it increases our faith and makes the guidance of the book more accessible. 


Please take a moment to review the show on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/loving-and-living-the-quran/id1039955011?mt=2

For more resources on the Quran and practical spirituality, please visit: www.livingthequran.org

To sign up for the free Daily Wisdom email series, please visit https://www.familyconnectionsacademy.com/p/dailywisdoms

Direct download: Lecture_6_161008.mp3
Category:Muharram Lectures -- posted at: 11:38am EDT