Loving and Living the Quran
Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 9 - 20

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam. 

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_v_9_-_v_20_160317_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verse 1-8

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam. 

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers. 

Direct download: Chapter_33_Sura_Ahzab_v_1_-_v_8_160310_001.mp3
Category:Quran Study Circle -- posted at: 4:21pm EST