Loving and Living the Quran

Let’s remind ourselves of the principles of healthy discussion and debate from the Quran which we have been exploring over the last few days

  1. Use wisdom and good admonition and dispute with them in a manner that is best [Quran16:125].

  2. Establish common ground Establish common ground 29:46

  3. Use logic and appeal to reason [Quran 36:77-79]

  4. Do not offend [Quran 6:109]

  5. Present a balanced perspective  [Quran 2:219].

  6. Respond with goodness rather than react to evil [Quran 41:34].


Direct download: Ep_257_Principles_of_healthy_discussion_16125_audio.mp3
Category:Quran Reflection -- posted at: 5:00am EDT